Friday, May 9, 2008

It Just Occurred To Me...

It just occurred to me that sometimes we tend to contradict ourselves, don't we? To put it in simple words, we humans in general tend to be hypocrites, whether we want to or not.
Weird huh?

Well, I did a little reading up on Wikipedia and found this:

"Hypocrisy (or being a hypocrite) is the act of opposing or not purporting a belief or behaviour while holding the same beliefs or behaviours at the same time, or vice versa.
Hypocrisy is frequently invoked as an accusation in
debates, in politics, and in life in general."

True. So in simple terms it means that being a hypocrite is not practising what we believe in, or taking certain actions that contradict our beliefs, at times. Well, that happens quite often, don't you think? But what we do to contradict ourselves are mainly small matters to ours and other people's eyes. Though it may seem as something trivial, the fact remains, we humans are hypocrites, to a certain degree.

Let's look at hypocrisy on a more serious note then.

Quoting Wikipedia again, linguist & social analyst Noam Chomsky defines hypocrisy as the refusal to "apply to ourselves the same standards we apply to others". Now Mr. Chomsky is no ordinary rambler, he is the professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusets Insitute of Technology (MIT), so basically, his definition of hypocrisy is not baseless.

According to Prof. Chowsky, hyprocrisy is also 1 of the central evils of society: it promotes injustices such as war. At the same time, also promoting self-deception, including the belief that hypocrisy is a necessary or beneficial part of human society.

In a nutshell, we are hypocrites because the world in all believes that hypocrisy makes us truly human, which is purely bullsh*t.
We don't have to be hypocrites to be human.
Bullsh*t, I'm being a hypocrite by saying that.
You know why? That is because the society nowadays is built not on trust, not on integrity, but, yes, hypocrisy. It is embedded in modern, so called civilized people, ie: us. So deep within us that hypocrisy does seem to be like a part of our genetic makeup. Haha, how ironic.

Based on current events, I don't think there's a hope for people to move away from life without hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is everywhere! We just need to flip through the newspapers and we can find HYPOCRISY virtually staring you straight in the face. *sigh*

The best we can hope for?
Keep hoping.


kiasu said...

I'm glad you have this preceptive of life and you are sensible person. The world can do with more people like you then there would not be any war or fights. But can we really live without being hypocrite ourselves? Nope.... but we can try to live our life with as little hypocrisy as possible. From today onwards I'll try.