Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, I'm back from the little republic to the south of Peninsular Malaysia - Singapore. All in all it was a satisfactory trip. That is, when things start to get dull and boring from Day 3 onwards. *grumbles* On a happier note, thank God I'm leaving on Day 4! :)


Well, the main gist for this trip wasn't entirely for fun, although there's the Grand Singapore Sale added bonus, I suppose. Hehe.


Oh well, back to the subject. The main reason that Mom and I went to Singapore is to visit my new born cousin! Yeap! The kid staring out at the top of this post, that's my little baby cousin, Amos.

Wait a sec, lemme get his name right...yeap, it's Amos. So everybody, say "Hi" to Amos, and Amos, um...he can't talk yet, so, um, "Weah" at everyone then. Pffft...this is crazy.

Either way, I'm just introducing the newest member of my extended family network.

So, roll the curtains and here comes......Amos!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hmmm...a little short break in Singapore, with all the perks and shopping galore *gasp!*, not to mention pretty darn good food, what a life ey?

Well, technically, it is FUN here in Singapore, but after 3 days, I'm sitting here writing a little entry entitled "Bored......stiff!". Touche.

I guess spending a few days away from my computer and the Internet is really getting into my nerves. Thanks for borrowing the notebook, uncle! Well, I can imagine how hard it is for those big shot corporates to go on a getaway without their Blackberry or notebooks. I feel you, man, I feel you. It must be 10 times worse than what I'm feeling right? This thirst for technology...
Hmmm...seems like this thirst for the Internet has got me writing crap! Oh well, who's too complaint? Hehe... ("_)

I'll be looking forward to the trip home tomorrow! See my Dad, my bedroom, my bathroom and last but not NOTEBOOK!
I'll see you all tomorrow! Yippee!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ah......The Mid-Year Holidays!

Ah......the Mid-Year Holidays have arrived! *Yippee!*

*sigh* After a stressful exam week - it's barely half done! - at least an opportunity for us to take a little breather before racking our brains again when school reopens.

Pity, this won't be a totally fun-filled holiday...will it?

Well, I don't know bout the others, but I'm determined to have at least a few days of pure fun! *Yippee!* A few days of bookfree, school-related-free, jolly-free good time should do me some good. :) *Yippee!*

Oh well, better get started with my fun, fun, fun!

Cheerios! :p

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gosh, It's Here!

Countdown to CHS Mid-Year Examination 2008 : approx. 84 hours to go.

*sigh* It's finally arrived! After these few relatively relaxing weeks, the exams are back to haunt us! Aiks!

Oh well, my head doesn't feel that good now. It's jam packed with information and equations that I've been desperately cramming into that brain og mine for the past 2 weeks or so.

*f=ma; work=Fs; power = work/time; gravitational potential energy = mgh...*
*shakes head*
*jahiliah: bermaksud jahil dan tidak mengetahui/tidak mempunyai pengetahuan; kerajaan agraria; kerajaan maritim; Julius Caesar; Augustus Caesar...*
*shakes head, hard*

OK, I'm getting mad here...

Friday, May 9, 2008

It Just Occurred To Me...

It just occurred to me that sometimes we tend to contradict ourselves, don't we? To put it in simple words, we humans in general tend to be hypocrites, whether we want to or not.
Weird huh?

Well, I did a little reading up on Wikipedia and found this:

"Hypocrisy (or being a hypocrite) is the act of opposing or not purporting a belief or behaviour while holding the same beliefs or behaviours at the same time, or vice versa.
Hypocrisy is frequently invoked as an accusation in
debates, in politics, and in life in general."

True. So in simple terms it means that being a hypocrite is not practising what we believe in, or taking certain actions that contradict our beliefs, at times. Well, that happens quite often, don't you think? But what we do to contradict ourselves are mainly small matters to ours and other people's eyes. Though it may seem as something trivial, the fact remains, we humans are hypocrites, to a certain degree.

Let's look at hypocrisy on a more serious note then.

Quoting Wikipedia again, linguist & social analyst Noam Chomsky defines hypocrisy as the refusal to "apply to ourselves the same standards we apply to others". Now Mr. Chomsky is no ordinary rambler, he is the professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusets Insitute of Technology (MIT), so basically, his definition of hypocrisy is not baseless.

According to Prof. Chowsky, hyprocrisy is also 1 of the central evils of society: it promotes injustices such as war. At the same time, also promoting self-deception, including the belief that hypocrisy is a necessary or beneficial part of human society.

In a nutshell, we are hypocrites because the world in all believes that hypocrisy makes us truly human, which is purely bullsh*t.
We don't have to be hypocrites to be human.
Bullsh*t, I'm being a hypocrite by saying that.
You know why? That is because the society nowadays is built not on trust, not on integrity, but, yes, hypocrisy. It is embedded in modern, so called civilized people, ie: us. So deep within us that hypocrisy does seem to be like a part of our genetic makeup. Haha, how ironic.

Based on current events, I don't think there's a hope for people to move away from life without hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is everywhere! We just need to flip through the newspapers and we can find HYPOCRISY virtually staring you straight in the face. *sigh*

The best we can hope for?
Keep hoping.

Monday, May 5, 2008

I Got My Exam Timetable Today...

I got my exam timetable today...
I checked my exam timetable and took a look at the calendar...
I realised that it's barely 2 weeks to the 1st paper....
But lucky for me, I've began to pick up my books...
Still, it's a whole sh*tload to read...

I wonder, why am I sighing? Mainly, it's because the exams are 1 of the main stress emitting factors in life. We all hate exams, don't we? And yet, we MUST take's part of the Educational with it! *bleh*

Pity, don't we just wish that there is no exams? Don't we just wish that we only go to school to learn and study and not have any exams or tests whatsoever?

Well, keep wishing...cause it's NOT gonna happen, people! >.<

Sad case, huh? Well, think of it as extra exercise. Only these extra exercises comes with points and grades! *gasp* How horrifying!

Indeed, the grading system that our country's education system adopts is really giving out unneccesary pressure to students to perform. Yes, they might argue that the grades are supposed to spur the students to work harder or maintain their not-that-bad results. But come on, exams are now like F1 Grand Prix in schools. We see students comparing & competing results:
"You got 85%?"
"Yeah, what bout you?"
"Me? Oh, I got 85.5% only-ma."
"Whoa, such lenient teachers you have! Not fair, I'm gonna get extra marks!"

And the above scenario goes on and on...

So there we have it, are exams good or bad?
Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I'm going back to my books...
Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Tick tick,
Flipping through the calendar.
Tock tock,
Oh dear, exam's here!

Should I be?
Why should I,
When all is up to me?

There is time,
For ample of preparation,
There is time,
To gear up for perspiration!

It's just exams,
There's nothing to fear,
To test our comprehension,
Of what we learned this year!

So calm down I say,
To everyone in fear,
There's nothing worth a shiver,
For it's all in between your ears!

The best thing to do now,
Is to sit back and think,
Refresh our memories,
And please, please, ready your gear.

Exams, exams,
Here we come,
Heave ho, lads!
We shall blow it back in tears!

Exams is just to test our knowledge to see whether we gained from the last checkpoint. Don't be afraid, it's all in our heads!
I hope! :p
Good luck, people!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Picture courtesy of
I'm knackered,
So tired that I feel like,
Just dropping on a bed,
And sleep the hours away...

I'm knackered,
The past week has been,
Busy and sapping indeed,
24 hours a day just ain't 'nough.

I'm knackered,
My eyelids are heavy,
The bed beckons,
But I can't sleep just yet!

I'm knackered,
Hold on, Jules!
There's still work to do,
Sleep has to wait...

I'm knackered,
Rubbing my eyes I sighed,
Perking up I say,
"Here we go again..."

Is it possible to have more than 24 hours a day?
Well, so that we can use half of the time to sleep & recharge our batteries.

Wishful thinking, I know, still, it doesn't harm to wish... :)