"You have to do..."
"I want this on my table by..."
"Have you washed the dishes?"
"What are you waiting for? Get your ars# moving!"
We face stress at almost everything we do, every single day, don't we? Stress is just such a pain in our behind, isn't it? Don't we just wish that we can crumple up 'stress' like a piece of waste paper and chuck it into a bin labeled 'Your Stress Here Please'? Ah, if only life is that easy...
We face stress at almost everything we do, every single day, don't we? Stress is just such a pain in our behind, isn't it? Don't we just wish that we can crumple up 'stress' like a piece of waste paper and chuck it into a bin labeled 'Your Stress Here Please'? Ah, if only life is that easy...
Anyway, there IS a way to deal with stress. It's such a common thing that we do, and yet it never fails to work wonders. Have I got your attention now?
It's simple. Really.
The answer?
Yes, smile, people! Smile in the face of stress. Dare it to wipe that smile off your face. Trust me, it can never wipe it off. All the stress in the world will wilt in the bright radiance of a smile.
How you any idea how powerful is a smile?
Have you ever experienced this? Picture yourself walking along one normal day. Someone passed you on the opposite direction. You look up and met his/her eyes. Plain strangers and yet, he/she smiled at you. You felt something uplifting and you smiled back. You moved on and you thought: The day seems brighter, doesn't it?
There you have it. Even a smile from a total stranger can brighten up our day. And that's from a stranger!
So when you're overwhelmed by stress, just face the mirror and smile at yourself, at the same time telling stress: "Come on, I can take you on. You're not that tough after all!"
Or put down everything you're doing that's pissing you off, close your eyes and think of something that makes you happy for 30 seconds: be it your loved ones, your dog or whatever. It'll sure bring a smile to your face and you'll feel refreshed after that 30 seconds of recharge and continue tackling your task, but with more drive and determination now.
So who says that we should bow down to stress? Why should we give in when we possess the most effective counter-stress at our disposal?
All it takes is just 30 seconds and a nice, sincere smile.
It isn't that hard.
So what are you waiting for? Start smiling! :)
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