Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life Without Inspiration

What is life,
Without inspiration?

It is aimless,
Like a rudderless boat,
Driven by the wind and waves,
Uncertain without direction.

Steered by uncertainty,
An aimless person roams,
He stumbles in the dark alley,
Hoping for a brighter road ahead...

Hope remains hope,
If he doesn't seek it out,
And grasp it by it's neck,
Never releasing it again.

Grasp hope by it's neck,
And from it wring out,
All the inspiration there is,
To carry us on in life.

Inspiration only directs us,
While we tread alone to the light...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Best Way To Manage Stress?

"You have to do..."
"I want this on my table by..."
"Have you washed the dishes?"
"What are you waiting for? Get your ars# moving!"
We face stress at almost everything we do, every single day, don't we? Stress is just such a pain in our behind, isn't it? Don't we just wish that we can crumple up 'stress' like a piece of waste paper and chuck it into a bin labeled 'Your Stress Here Please'? Ah, if only life is that easy...

Anyway, there IS a way to deal with stress. It's such a common thing that we do, and yet it never fails to work wonders. Have I got your attention now?

It's simple. Really.

The answer?


Yes, smile, people! Smile in the face of stress. Dare it to wipe that smile off your face. Trust me, it can never wipe it off. All the stress in the world will wilt in the bright radiance of a smile.

How you any idea how powerful is a smile?

Have you ever experienced this? Picture yourself walking along one normal day. Someone passed you on the opposite direction. You look up and met his/her eyes. Plain strangers and yet, he/she smiled at you. You felt something uplifting and you smiled back. You moved on and you thought: The day seems brighter, doesn't it?

There you have it. Even a smile from a total stranger can brighten up our day. And that's from a stranger!

So when you're overwhelmed by stress, just face the mirror and smile at yourself, at the same time telling stress: "Come on, I can take you on. You're not that tough after all!"

Or put down everything you're doing that's pissing you off, close your eyes and think of something that makes you happy for 30 seconds: be it your loved ones, your dog or whatever. It'll sure bring a smile to your face and you'll feel refreshed after that 30 seconds of recharge and continue tackling your task, but with more drive and determination now.

So who says that we should bow down to stress? Why should we give in when we possess the most effective counter-stress at our disposal?

All it takes is just 30 seconds and a nice, sincere smile.

It isn't that hard.

So what are you waiting for? Start smiling! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

It's World Earth Day 2008
Hmmm...what do we do on World Earth Day? Basically, it's just the same as any other day, isn't it? The world doesn't grind to a stop on World Earth Day, life still goes on...and on...and on... :)

OK, what about Earth Day then? Discovery and Nat Geo has been talking bout April 22nd for the past few weeks. And HBO's airing Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' tonight! Gonna watch it, the reviews were pretty encouraging.

So, Earth Day. A quick check at tells us that it was founded by a certain US Senator Gaylord Nelson (unique name, don't you think?) way back in September 1969. Gee...isn't that when the Americans first went to the Moon? Anyway, it was decided that Earth Day shall be held annually at April 22nd henceford.

What's the purpose of this Earth Day?
It is actually the day when we, Earthlings, stop and ponder about the state of our dear old planet Earth. The pollutions and destruction we caused in the name of development. The implications of Earth's severe condition and it's implications to our future. And of course, what can we do to save our dear planet Earth.

Well, ironically, are we only supposed to think of these issues on Earth Day alone? Does this mean that for the other 364 days that we have in a year, we can forget about Earth's deteriorating condition and carry on polluting and developing without giving a damn about the effects our actions might cause? Hmmm...that's not very eco-friendly of us, isn't it?

Therefore, we should always be aware of the perils that planet Earth is constantly facing, and not only being concerned for the sake of April 22nd being Earth Day. It is our responsibility and our obligations as dwellers in this beautiful planet to protect it from being destroyed by our very own hands. April 22nd is only to commemorate Earth Day as a day where we give an EXTRA thought to the well-being of planet Earth.

Protect Earth, my fellow Earthlings! For it is the only planet that's able to support life in this solar system. Yes, there may be traces of water in Mars that may be a potential dwelling for humans, but until further evidence is uncovered, there's just Earth. So let's not condemn ourselves to doom by ignoring the plights of Earth. Let us fix this mess we created and create a better future.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
Native American Proverb

We owe it to the future generations.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Thread to Clothes

From yarns of thread,
Cloth is spun and made,
Alas but with regret,
It will be cut into shreds!

On the shreds of cloth,
Needles and thread work in tune,
In and out they sew,
To form a shirt brand new.

And now for the pants,
It's not that different,
For they begin as shreds,
Connected by needles and threads.

That's clothes making, my friend,
So simple it seem,
Yet so noble are they,
The unsung heroes, ol' seamstresses.
Julian Wong


"OK class, write a narrative about CLOTHES."
"Clothes. And I don't want any boring facts about designers and materials. I want a story."
"But, Miss..."
"No 'buts'. I want it TOMORROW."
"Yes, better start writing now."
*everybody grumbles*

Clothes! My teacher actually wants a story on CLOTHES!

Oh am I supposed to write a story about clothes? Of all things to choose from under the beautiful sky, she chose clothes! Aaaarghh!!! *pulls hair*
Well, of course she chose clothes, everyone chooses clothes, no?
Good point.

Right, the time of frustration & despair is over. Gotta start making sense of what am I gonna write. But CLOTHES is just mind boggling...

Well, come to think of it: I think we've been taking clothes for granted all this while. We see clothes as part & parcel of life. We wrap ourselves with clothes for, well obvious reasons. Modesty for one & protection from the weather, maybe? *shrugs*

Right, the thing is, nobody actually spared much thought about clothes. I don't mean the time we spend looking at out wardrobe trying to decide what to wear. What I mean was none of us actually sat down and think of clothes like, really seriously think of it. What am I talking about?

Bottomline: Noone actually thought of writing an essay on CLOTHES! the challenge is thus: how to make CLOTHES into a story-material?

Shall I humanize clothes? Like, give them voices? Or shall I just write from a clothes-wearer/dresser's point of view?

Hmmm...I need inspiration.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


The morning Sun rises,
From far the early bird chirps,
In the cheery morning sounds,
Peace is just such a bliss.

The cockerel crowed,
With it the whole world awakened,
I opened my eyes,
And smiled at such gorgeous skies!

"Good morning, God!"
Said cheerfully did I,
"Oh God, morning?"
Groaned from the smelly pig sty.

A new day has arisen,
With it new challenges lie,
Tasks to be done,
And dreams to be set fly.
Put on your boots then, my friend,
For it's a pretty long hike,
Quick, quick! Move fast we must,
If we want to catch a ride.

"Don't forget your breakfast!"
Mummy was quick to imply,
"Oh well, we'll just grab a toast!"
Was our eager quick reply.

Good morning, Sunshine,
How have you been?
I wish it'll be a good day ahead,
The morning just makes me keen!

Julian Wong

Promises, Promises...

How hard is it to live up to our promise?
Sheesh, that's a tough question, man!
And yet, how hard?
You want an honest answer? A seriously honest one?
Well, it's a colossal task for some, and yet, it's as easy as snapping your fingers to others.
And what about those who can't snap their fingers?
Um, well...
I'm waiting.
It's easy, just plain easy, mate.

Fact: The difficulty of keeping a promise varies from person to person.
Well, OK...I guess I can live with that. But what bugs me more is that there are people that make up lame excuses in their effort to cover their, um, behind after being caught with their pants down for not fulfilling their promises.

Well, not with their pants down literally.

But still, isn't it annoying that at times we just find it hard to keep certain promises? Yes, we as in everyone in this rotating, spiralling planet Earth. Everyone's failed to deliver upon their promise before.
Everyone. I'm not proud of it, but i've done it.

The difference is that some do more, what should I say, frequently and in a greater scale than others. Well, mostly this applies to politicians or leaders of nations. Why am I not surprised?

It's really funny of human beings that they tend to be forgetful at times. Yup, forgetful is just the word to describe us. *sigh*

Question: So what can we do to avoid promising upon promising and failing upon upon to keep our promises? The solution?
Easy! Don't promise at all! As if that's gonna solve our problems.

Nope, we cannot NOT promise. You know why?

That's because promises bring forth hope. Promises bring forth faith to the people. Promises give people the strength to believe in you. Promises can do a lot of things, if used appropriately.

Therefore, we should harness the power of promises and use it to wisely, and not like a drunken who rattles on through the night about giving charity and yet, forgets about all of it in the morning.

Question: How do we fully utilise the power of promises?
Easy peasy.
  1. We take a deep, deep and thorough look into ourselves.
  2. We identify our strengths and weaknesses.
  3. We identify our abilities and ask ourselves: "Can I really do this?"
  4. If the answer is "Yes", we proceed. If it's "No", then we think of something else that's within our abilities and we are perfectly able to fulfil.
  5. Now, only then, we make a promise.
  6. And we deliver!

Now that is how we fully harness the wondrous power of promises. Doesn't it look promising already?
Think about it.