Sunday, August 17, 2008

Update On Life So Far

Well, it's already the mid of August isn't it? *sigh* Anyway, recently things aren't that smooth flowing as I would've liked. Too many things are just happening at the wrong time, wrong places and to the wrong people. Gosh...guess this just bumps up the meaning of "haywire" a few notches huh?

And, no, my troubles aren't school related.

This just leads me to re-examine 1 of my axioms of life, that being:

"We only live for a few decades anyway, why not enjoy life as much as we can?"

Sadly, being mortals, we are all encumbered by troubles that usually just comes with it. Humans, after all, are the wisest of all living organisms (so called) therefore, it isn't surprising that we are periodically given problems and hardship, or tests of faith, just in case we forgot how to use the lump of grey matter in our skull.

So, sorry Julian, that axiom of life of yours has gotta be put aside for the time being...

Hmmm...just hoping that there's a better tomorrow somewhere, someday, sometime...

Preferably tomorrow! :)