Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Now I Understand "Unfairness"

Currently in a red mist of extreme rage. I haven't been this angry all my life. And I don't feel like talking about it.

I'm seeing RED, RED, RED! And I resent this!

The term "unfair" kinda applies to almost everything you can name under the sky, isn't it? "Unfair! Her dress is red and mine's pink!" "Unfair! He got 10 bucks more than me!" Unfair this, unfair that... Believe me, after you've heard what I heard and seen what I seen, the word "unfair" just brings in a whole lot of meaning.

Amazing that some people's troubles can always seem to find a way to invade your peaceful little bubble. So there you are, happily minding your own business, suddenly, some bloody problem that isn't your sodding problem can just crash into your life headlong and leave a trail of piece of crap destruction!

Yes, that's unfair! Hell yea, it's unfair! And it's got me really, really worked up.

What's worse is...they expect you to help them pick up the mess!

Amazing, bloody amazing.

Hah! Helping. Yes, it's good to help. We're even encouraged to help, aren't we? But even then, there's a limit to how much we can help. You can't expect us to sit there and wait for them and provide solutions?!

To quote 1 of the 2 most important people in my life:

It is due to the actions of unscrupulous people that causes these
problems. For a little money, they can just ruin people's life.

Damn right.


kiasu said...

welcome to the REAL world! What is fairness? The world is never fair. I feel your resentment especially when your privacy has been invaded. Well, we will have to live with it and try our level best to gain from every opportunity to excel. One thing for sure is live life to the fullest and there is always opportunities in every single obstacle or challenge.