Well, this is my last post. I won't be using this blog any longer as I think I'll just be concentrating on my studies and my other hobbies. It's been fun posting and maybe I'll set up another 1 again. Seeya!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Concentrating On Studies
Well, think I'll be devoting more of my time to my studies. So I don't think they'll be frequent updates on this blog...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Update On Life So Far
Well, it's already the mid of August isn't it? *sigh* Anyway, recently things aren't that smooth flowing as I would've liked. Too many things are just happening at the wrong time, wrong places and to the wrong people. Gosh...guess this just bumps up the meaning of "haywire" a few notches huh?
And, no, my troubles aren't school related.
This just leads me to re-examine 1 of my axioms of life, that being:
"We only live for a few decades anyway, why not enjoy life as much as we can?"
Sadly, being mortals, we are all encumbered by troubles that usually just comes with it. Humans, after all, are the wisest of all living organisms (so called) therefore, it isn't surprising that we are periodically given problems and hardship, or tests of faith, just in case we forgot how to use the lump of grey matter in our skull.
So, sorry Julian, that axiom of life of yours has gotta be put aside for the time being...
Hmmm...just hoping that there's a better tomorrow somewhere, someday, sometime...
Preferably tomorrow! :)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Now I Understand "Unfairness"
Currently in a red mist of extreme rage. I haven't been this angry all my life. And I don't feel like talking about it.
I'm seeing RED, RED, RED! And I resent this!
The term "unfair" kinda applies to almost everything you can name under the sky, isn't it? "Unfair! Her dress is red and mine's pink!" "Unfair! He got 10 bucks more than me!" Unfair this, unfair that... Believe me, after you've heard what I heard and seen what I seen, the word "unfair" just brings in a whole lot of meaning.
Amazing that some people's troubles can always seem to find a way to invade your peaceful little bubble. So there you are, happily minding your own business, suddenly, some bloody problem that isn't your sodding problem can just crash into your life headlong and leave a trail of piece of crap destruction!
Yes, that's unfair! Hell yea, it's unfair! And it's got me really, really worked up.
What's worse is...they expect you to help them pick up the mess!
Amazing, bloody amazing.
Hah! Helping. Yes, it's good to help. We're even encouraged to help, aren't we? But even then, there's a limit to how much we can help. You can't expect us to sit there and wait for them and provide solutions?!
To quote 1 of the 2 most important people in my life:
It is due to the actions of unscrupulous people that causes these
problems. For a little money, they can just ruin people's life.
Damn right.
Monday, July 28, 2008
"Why So Serious?"
"Why so serious?"
Isn't that like, 1 of the most uttered phrases recently? All thanks to the late Heath Ledger's fantastic potrayal of the manic, psychopatic Joker in The Dark Knight, I suppose. ("_) Hmmm...
Oh anyway, have you watched The Dark Knight? I seriously recommend you to watch it ASAP. If you're planning to only watch 1 movie this year (poor, miserable you) then let THIS be the 1 movie! If you've already watched a movie, I suggest you break this ridiculous principle and watch TDK anyway. It's that good! Seriously, and I'm not saying because of all the hype of a certain actor who passed away due to substance overdose. No sir, this is 1 helluva movie!
Well, what can be said of Christopher Nolan's 2nd take on revamping the Batman franchise? Hmmm...spectacular sounds appropriate. Nevertheless, TDK is really a fantastic original story, yep, it's not based on the comics! I believe that Nolan really managed to reflect the, um, limitations of the human civilisation in this movie. In Gotham City, it's really like a reenactment of how corrupt human can be, how faulty the administrative system is, how justice is never what it seems to be and of course, how can 1 man change the world. It just shows the futility of the modern society in a way.
Fantastic stuff.
Of course, kudos to Mr. Ledger for the fantastic and truly maddening potrayal of the Joker. He seems so real and fully epitomes the concept of "bad".
I especially enjoyed the scene where (spoiler alert!) he places a pencil on the table and asks, "Does anyone know how do I make the pencil disappear?" And he promptly slammed the nearest baddie's head on to the pencil. Cruel, but it sums him up: siniter but at the same time, darkly humorous. The Joker.
Anyway, I don't wanna spoil it further. Do visit the cinema would ya?
PS: Oh! Look out for the scene with the line: "You complete me..."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's Tomorrow...
...It's D-Day tomorrow! Yeap, time for the much awaited Presentation, with a capital "P". Oh well, wish us luck?
*shaking in anticipation*
PS: Oh yeah! Happy Belated Birthday, MOM! I know, it's late, but I didn't went online for quite awhile. Sorry...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
We Made It To The Top 10!
We made to the Top 10! Oops, I meant "we" as in the International Trade Challenge team. Yes! We made it to the Top 10 and we are given the chance to present our piece next Thursday at AMCHAM HQ in KL for a chance to be 1 of the 3 teams representing Malaysia in the finals of the FedEx/Junior Achievement Malaysia International Trade Challenge 2008!
Yippee! This just shows that hard work pays, with interests too!
Anyway, Zean Shiung, Khai Hoe & I are just absolutely thrilled to be in the running. Totally, unexpectedly great news! Well, the preliminary slides are done, now it's just for fine-tuning & test runs. Fingers-crossed that this will go on as smooth as silk! *shakes fists* Yeah!
Oooh...it's the school's Harmonica & Guitar Club's concert this Saturday. Hope their performance is as good as the teaser they provided a couple of weeks back. They better be, cause I bought 3 tickets for the show! :p
Oh well, need a break. Tous!